
Blog Introduction!

Hello and welcome to the Collision Course Blog!! Here you will find the work that is going to be put into the making of the music video. From the very first initial ideas and pitch, all the way through to our final piece. There will be a range documents such as the initial ideas phase of our project, some research that that we as a group conducted, the storyboards that were used and also a list of camera angles and props that we are going to use in the production of our music video. We hope you will find the blog interesting and helpful, please feel free to visit any time.

Monday 2 May 2011

Vampire Weekend - A-Punk Music Video

The ideas are slightly concept based relying on a heavy performance based video to create effect. This video is very simplistic with the four band members doing a performance against a white wall. This can be linked to our video performance where there are four band members playing in front of a black background. The video doesn't really use any narrative or fancy editing. The camera movement focuses on the band from the front with a fade occuring to indicate night and day. Another type of editing is used to speed up various parts of the video to make it more interesting. Many videos of a similar genre use this type of performance in their video. Personally I think that this video is a sucess due to the simple idea of a band performance. The target audience are people who like Vampire Weekend and probably people interested in performance based videos. The use of mise-en-scene to indicate winter months as well.

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