This song is highly regarded as one of the best music videos of all time. The video lasts for about 14 minutes and follows a narrative based story of Michael Jackson taking his girlfriend to watch a scary film. The song doesn't even start properly until it shows them both walking home. The main performance starts with Michael Jackson as the lead dancer with a number of zombies in the background. This video was released in 1983 which shows what can be done with a video at this time where they were just taking off. The video was extremely popular at the time and gained renewed popularity when Michael Jackson died in 2009. The video follows a narrative structure where it allows the audience to wonder what will happen in the middle of the video. This is more like a movie as it has end credits to show the director and the writer of the song. The non diegetic sound of the voiceover makes the video more interesting as with the mise-en-scene to create a scary mood. Even though this is highly regarded as the best video of all time there isnt really any exciting camera angles but we do see some mid shots and close up to show the emotion of Michael Jackson and his girlfriend. The main focus is the dance routine is the zombie dance routine which is well choreographed. This is probably to promote the artist as well as the song because now Michael Jackson is thought of a very highly skilled performer. The target audience are probably people who already like Michael Jackson and people who like pop music.
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