
Blog Introduction!

Hello and welcome to the Collision Course Blog!! Here you will find the work that is going to be put into the making of the music video. From the very first initial ideas and pitch, all the way through to our final piece. There will be a range documents such as the initial ideas phase of our project, some research that that we as a group conducted, the storyboards that were used and also a list of camera angles and props that we are going to use in the production of our music video. We hope you will find the blog interesting and helpful, please feel free to visit any time.

Monday 2 May 2011

Coldplay - Speed of Sound Music Video

Above the link can be used to view the speed of sound video.
Throughout this video extensive links can be made to both the music and during the performance of our video. The song slowly builds up to a big climax which fits in with the video quite well through the use of lighting to indicate the big parts of the song. The band performance is particularly interesting. As an audience we gather the emotion on Chris Martin's face which is shown through close ups and extreme close up camera movement at the start. When the band shot is shown the use of a shaky cam gives us the evidence that the atmosphere is electric and the video is at its climax. The typical audience for this video would probably be supporters of the Coldplay music itself rather than the video because there is no narrative. Personally I think that this video works very well with the use of camera angles on the band and the music. The emotions we get from the lead singer leads us to believe that we should have a traumatic central event in our video.

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