
Blog Introduction!

Hello and welcome to the Collision Course Blog!! Here you will find the work that is going to be put into the making of the music video. From the very first initial ideas and pitch, all the way through to our final piece. There will be a range documents such as the initial ideas phase of our project, some research that that we as a group conducted, the storyboards that were used and also a list of camera angles and props that we are going to use in the production of our music video. We hope you will find the blog interesting and helpful, please feel free to visit any time.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Black Eyed Peas Advert

Black Eyed Peas – Advert.

Many of the Black Eyed Peas album covers and adverts all have something in common, they all have a large amount of colour in them and they are very pleasing to the eye, this advert is no exception. First of all I realised, also like many other advert and album covers that it is a very simplistic and easy to read. I thought that the shading used in this advert was excellent and very clever. The shading of lots of different colours is very unique to the Black Eyed Peas and very original, as it has not been used before in any of their other covers. There is a very good use of colour within the advert as they seem very pleasing to the eye and capture the viewer’s attention, which is what an advert is designed to do.

This advert also gives the band members a sense of power, as the camera angle is low, which makes the viewer seem powerless, which is a good touch. Also, the style of clothing that they use is a very good style and suites the style of music that they play, which is very electro based. The colours of the cover although would not suggest that this is an electro, hip hop genre of CD, as it does seem to be wild with colours.

I think that the positioning of the actors is a great touch also, all together and united. The pose of the band member at the front is great as it shows that they have no fear, what with his arms spread out as if to say ‘come and get us’, possibly meaning come and by the CD. The advert seems be deceptive in the sense that the cover seems to be very calm and not much is happening in it, which is very misleading as the music genre is fast paced electro.

Finally, I think that this cover is very good as it is very secretive about the music genre, almost making people think the opposite. Also the shading was excellent and the style of the band members clothing and stance was an excellent choice.

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