
Blog Introduction!

Hello and welcome to the Collision Course Blog!! Here you will find the work that is going to be put into the making of the music video. From the very first initial ideas and pitch, all the way through to our final piece. There will be a range documents such as the initial ideas phase of our project, some research that that we as a group conducted, the storyboards that were used and also a list of camera angles and props that we are going to use in the production of our music video. We hope you will find the blog interesting and helpful, please feel free to visit any time.

Friday 29 April 2011

Collision Course Initial Ideas

List of Roles
We included many actors and band performers and here are their names.
Peter (disabled husband) - James Gray
Ashleigh (deceased wife) - Laura Stoker, Saskia Bryan and Lauren Gibson
Drummer - Adam Connon and Matthew Latus
Singer - Lawrence Scott
Guitarist 1 - Jonathan Gill
Guitarist 2 - Callum Balding

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Monday 25 April 2011

This is our brand image logo, we decided to keep it black and white as colour would kill the feel of the picture.
Narrative Theory.

TODOROV’S THEORY – Todorov proposed a basic structure for all narratives. He stated that films and programmes begin with equilibrium, a calm period. Then agents of disruption cause disequilibrium, a period of unsettlement and disquiet. This is then followed by a renewed state of peace and harmony for the protagonists and a new equilibrium brings the chaos to an end. The simplest form of narrative (sometimes referred to as ‘Classic’ or ‘Hollywood’ narrative).

Levi Strauss – Narrative tension is based on opposition or conflict. This can be as simple as two characters fighting but more often at an ideological level e.g. in westerns what do the cowboys and Indians represent? What ideologies are embodied by the opposite sides in lord of the rings or star wars?

In our music video, an accident happens that effects both of our characters (Peter and Ashleigh), along the lines of Todorov’s theory, the video starts, calm, in the middle there is an accident, that causes devastation and completely changes the face of the story. The once calm and happy beginning is transformed into a grim and depressing storyline. The wholes story is transformed based on one little scene or one or two shots, rapidly changing the course of the video.

The opposition to happiness and love is drastically changed, opposition between Peter and Ashleigh being a couple and then being split up because of an accident.
I think our video will suit Todorov’s theory as there is a happy beginning with the couple together, then an fatal accident occurs in the middle that changes the mood of the video, and finally the male character (who started the video so happy, ends it being thoroughly depressed).

By callum Balding.
Brand Image - We researched many different videos on their brand image. How did they communicate their image to the audience? Well brand image can be portrayed through the music video and albums. We looked at the band Sum 41 and gathered information from their music video and one of their adverts. This really helped us to make our own brand image. Our brand image consisted of a logo of a rocket which can be seen on the drum kit during the performance in the music video. The font of the band name Collision Course is also on the drum kit. The locations of the music video also helped to portray our music. We chose the beach because it is a nice and calming location which was very similar to our music.

Thursday 7 April 2011

These are a few of our comments from the feedback for our animatic.
Do not Understand the story
Colour in
No lyrics on the slide
Lyrics are not in time with the shots
Depressing storyline
Good, clear storyline with emotions
Good use of angles and shots
Seems a gripping story but needs better explanation

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Prop List:
Acoustic Guitar
Electric Guitar

Drama Performance Hall

Sunday 3 April 2011

This is our target audience questionnaire.